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A casing for baked goods and desserts needs to look beautiful and provide complete protection for their delicate contents. Great care and attention are placed on the design and construction of all packaging, particularly so for a local artisan given that the item bears her name.
Iveta required a stylish tin to hold her chocolate-coated ‘cat tongues’ and flower-shaped biscuits. Created with meticulous attention to detail, a luxury biscuit tin communicates elegance and indulgence. It needed to hold the biscuits securely, ensuring no breakages and to look special enough to be given as a gift.
Iveta Fabešová is a Czech confectioner and baker, and her mission was to introduce French pastry to Prague. For her, desserts bring people together over celebrated moments. She has published four cookbooks and established the IF Cafe brand in the Czech Republic, forming a collection of high-end French pastry shops with desserts ranging from the classic to the inventive.
The result was a sleek, dark cylinder in royal blue, with a gold hot foil embossed logo and butterfly design. The royal blue was decorated with fine softly flowing lines following the curvature of the tin and sits in contrast against the angular typography. The packaging was crafted from card with a metal base and top and a decorated paper wrapper.
Iveta Fabešová is a Czech confectioner and baker, and her mission was to introduce French pastry to Prague. For her, desserts bring people together over celebrated moments. She has published four cookbooks and established the IF Cafe brand in the Czech Republic, forming a collection of high-end French pastry shops with desserts ranging from the classic to the inventive.
Iveta required a stylish tin to hold her chocolate-coated ‘cat tongues’ and flower-shaped biscuits. Created with meticulous attention to detail, a luxury biscuit tin communicates elegance and indulgence. It needed to hold the biscuits securely, ensuring no breakages and to look special enough to be given as a gift.
The result was a sleek, dark cylinder in royal blue, with a gold hot foil embossed logo and butterfly design. The royal blue was decorated with fine softly flowing lines following the curvature of the tin and sits in contrast against the angular typography. The packaging was crafted from card with a metal base and top and a decorated paper wrapper.